Throughout my undergraduate studies, I developed various technical, interpersonal and intercultural skills that I would be able to utilize toward my career. Many of these skills were gained through time and commitment I have dedicated towards projects, lab reports, and team collaboration. In many of these experiences I was able to attain imperative skills relevant to my field of study. This namely includes practical training and application in software such as Microsoft Visual Studios C++, Matlab, AutoCAD software, NASTRAN/ PATRAN, ArduPilot and Mission Planner, and Microsoft Office applications. Ultimately, my collective experiences at ODU have better prepared me for future work in the engineering field.
Website Article on Artificial Intelligence:
Autonomous Swarm Drones
In my senior capstone course, I assisted in the construction and simulation of a Multi-UAV Swarm. The main objective of the project was essentially to build and program two drones to coordinate and travel in a set flight path. Our team was able to have the university approve a budget of almost over $3000 for funding. With the semester nearing completion, the project has drastically improved my technical skills through a practical learning process. Furthermore, the project has played a significant role in growing my leadership, critical thinking, and communication skills as a whole.

Computer-Aided Design of Mechanical Systems
In my senior year, I gained exposure to NASA's Finite Element modeling software known as NASTRAN and PATRAN. This course provided industry-level training in the software through a semester project of conducting FE Analysis on the physical bridge in Kaufman Hall. Students were required to place three loads on the bridge at different points, record measurements, and then simulate forces and fixed points in the software. The course gave me a further depth of understanding in PATRAN modeling and knowledge in Finite Element Analysis of materials under different stress conditions.

Mechanisms Analysis and Design
Throughout my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Krishna Kaipa on several projects in relation to his research on bio-inspired robotics. Our semester project was utilizing an online software called MotionGen to simulate moving linkages as the legs of animals and then bring these simulations to life in physical form. My team was tasked with creating the walking gait of a grasshopper, with two settings: normal crawling and jumping. This course has allowed me to develop an understanding of the planar motion of mechanisms, numerical and analytical solutions for certain basic mechanisms such as 4-bar linkages, and calculating rolling and sliding velocities and accelerations of contacting bodies.